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The new Green Reconstruction project for war-affected regions is being launched by the “Clean Air for Ukraine” program

29. 2. 2024,

     Since 2017, the “Clean Air for Ukraine” program has focused on supporting and developing the EcoCity community air pollution monitoring network, which now includes over 250 stations across the country. However, since the start of the full-scale invasion, the program has expanded its scope to analyze the damage caused by Russia’s war against Ukraine.


War and Environmental Pollution

Since 2022, project experts have been focusing on mapping environmental damage. Throughout 2023, our ecologists, together with Czech colleagues, have been studying the pollution of not only air but also soil and water caused by direct military actions and resulting technological accidents.

You can familiarize yourself with the research and conclusions by following the link >> HERE

(фото Majda Slamova)

Experts from the Czech non-governmental organization Clean Air for Ukraine and the Czech company World from Space, studied the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on the environment, particularly air quality, based on satellite images from the European Space Agency. After the explosion of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant dam on June 6, 2023, Ukrainian ecologists, along with representatives from the Dekonta company and the State Environmental Inspection, collected and analyzed a series of sediment samples from the bottom of the Kakhovka Reservoir in the Zaporizhzhia region. They found alarming levels of DDT and other toxins on a public beach. At the end of October 2023, experts from the “Clean Air for Ukraine” project, together with representatives of the Southern District State Environmental Inspection, re-examined the Dnipro River and the mouth of the Kakhovka Reservoir again. As before, they collected samples of soil, sediment, and water at various locations near Zaporizhzhia, including a city beach. According to interim data, experts have not yet obtained analysis results regarding heavy metals. However, the good news is that in the October samples, no sample exceeded the allowable limit for DDT.

Sampling of bottom sediment samples, Kakhovka reservoir, Zaporozhye outskirts, July 2023

Download and read in full The first study of sediment contamination of the Kakhovsky Reservoir at the >> link 

«But I want to emphasize that the most polluted areas are the central part of the city. Among the pollutants that exceeded the limits are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. I don’t want to delve into the chemical details right now, but I stress: they are carcinogenic and mutagenic. Additionally, naphthalene was found in two areas. This element is used in the production of lubricants, adhesives, and medicines. However, we are still awaiting the final results of the October samples»,  –  shares Marcela Cernochova, coordinator of the “Clean Air for Ukraine” project (NGO Arnika, Czech Republic).

New Stage – Environmental Restoration of Ukrainian Communities

This concerns the regions most affected by the war. The research data is the first step in implementing a new two-year project “Green Reconstruction of Ukraine: Sustainable Recovery of War-Affected Regions,” which will be carried out by “Clean Air for Ukraine” together with Arnika, with the support of the Transition Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

«The main goal of the project is to support the sustainable recovery of war-affected regions of Ukraine. Specifically, we will focus on the Zaporizhzhia, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv, Kherson, and Donetsk regions. We will create and publish maps of environmental threats, suggestions for the remediation of the threats and assist local and regional authorities in the preparation of the post-war recovery process», — explains Marcela Cernochova, coordinator of the “Clean Air for Ukraine” project.

Sampling of sediment samples from the bottom of the Kakhovsky Reservoir, Zaporizhia Region, October 2023 (photo by Majda Slamova)

Undoubtedly, military and security issues remain the priority. Victory is a necessary precondition for the reconstruction of the country, including the environment. However, according to Oleksiy Angurets, an expert on ecology and sustainable development of the “Clean Air for Ukraine” program, the preparatory process must already be underway to start the restoration of Ukraine immediately as soon as circumstances permit.

«To restore the environment, it is essential to understand the actual state of our ecosystems, conduct comprehensive research, and collect evidence of environmental crimes. Moreover, environmental problems often pose a significant danger to human health. Only by having a complete picture and involving leading experts from around the world can we develop a restoration strategy. The current situation is, in some ways, an opportunity to rebuild Ukraine after the war on an ecological basis».

Specialists are already working on creating maps of ecological threats, conducting indicative research, and advising local authorities in developing strategies to address these threats.


Focus on Working with Communities

The new project «Green Reconstruction of Ukraine: Sustainable Recovery of War-Affected Regions» plans to involve 90 communities in Ukraine. The inventory will include assessing the environmental damage caused by the war, as well as pollution and historical ecological burdens. During the first stage, 15 communities will receive expert assistance. Thanks to the work of Ukrainian and foreign experts, local development plans and strategies will be created to address specific environmental problems of particular communities.

«Additionally, within this activity, 2-3 pilot small-scale projects using environmentally friendly solutions will be implemented. For example, photovoltaic stations or biocompost stations. At the same time, we plan to thoroughly investigate at least six polluted sites. This will include sampling and analysis of bottom sediments, soil, and/or water, health risk assessment, and development of recommendations and action plans for restoration», — explains the coordinator of the “Clean Air for Ukraine” program.

Meeting with representatives of the Kryvorizka district military administration, February 2024

The focus on working with communities is particularly important now, notes Oleksiy Angurets, as many communities in the southern and eastern regions have been directly or indirectly affected by the war. He adds that not many international organizations work at the local community level and go to the regions:

«Usually, most of the aid, attention, and certain projects are concentrated in the capital and administrative centers. Therefore, we decided to focus directly on small communities and work at the level of local organizations and regions. We plan to identify and understand the initial critical needs of communities and assist in both identifying and systematically analyzing them. This way, it will be possible to find the necessary funds to address these problems. Undoubtedly, our program will not be able to financially cover all needs, but we can systematize and prepare plans and materials for submission to large programs or international financial institutions, even at the UN level, for example».

Meeting with representatives of the Upper Dnipro community, February 2024

The “Clean Air for Ukraine” team has launched a new project in the Dnipropetrovsk region in February, our delegation already visited the Kryvyi Rih district and the Verkhnodniprovsk community. During the meeting, local government bodies expressed their interest to participate in the project and outlined their primary environmental issues.

«As part of the project, we will organize a study tour to the Czech Republic for representatives of Ukrainian municipalities at the end of this year, to cities and villages where sustainable development projects have been successfully implemented. This way, the heads of Ukrainian communities will be able to directly learn from Czech experience», — adds Marcela Cernochova.

EcoCity Application and Community Air Monitoring

Nevertheless, air pollution remains one of the most serious threats to the environment and the health of Ukrainian citizens. To help minimize this health risk, we will provide expert support and consultations to municipalities and regional authorities in the new project. We will also develop and propose air quality monitoring system plans for 30 municipalities and distribute at least 30 indicative monitoring stations.

«One of the first steps was already taken in January. Together with the largest citizen monitoring network in our country, we presented a new application, “EcoCity”, which informs the public about air pollution, including chemical threats and radiation. The public demand for information about air quality has significantly increased before and after the full-scale invasion, particularly due to the Russian capture of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant», — notes Marcela Cernochova.

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About us

The "Clean Air for Ukraine" program has been implemented since 2017 by the non-governmental organization Arnika (Czech Republic) in cooperation with local public initiatives from various regions of Ukraine with the financial support of the Transition Promotion Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

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