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Uniting efforts to fight industrial air pollution: five Ukrainian cities are inviting for a conference 

11. 11. 2020,
Uniting efforts to fight industrial air pollution: five Ukrainian cities are inviting for a conference 
Dnipro PHOTO: Stanislav Krupar

Did recent changes in legislation help improve the air quality? What information do we get thanks to the civic monitoring? What are the citizens of industrial centers facing and how to change it? Cities of Ivano-Frankivsk, Zaporizhia, Nikopol, Kramatorsk, and Kharkiv will host a conference “Industrial air pollution Ukraine 2020” starting on November 17th and taking place every week until December 15th. Civic activists, experts, and the state officials will discuss the current situation of air pollution in Kryvbas and Donbas. 

“According to the European Society of Cardiology, polluted air can cause up to 84 thousand excessive deaths annually in Ukraine. Although progressive EU legislation has been largely adopted recently, the quality of life of residents of industrial areas has not improved significantly,” explains Pavlina Filippovova, coordinator of Clean Air for Ukraine project from the Czech non-governmental organization Arnika. “Despite the global pandemic, slowly ending 2020 brought a rapid development of the civic air monitoring, new research and interesting achievements of the local campaigns. Perhaps the exchange of experiences at the conference will help to reduce pollution more quickly,” she adds.

Free registration here >>>

“The purpose of this conference is to share knowledge and useful information in fighting for the best air quality between both local and international specialists, which gives us an opportunity to do so professionally and more effectively. Thanks to efficient cooperation of civic initiatives, experts and the state authorities, we can reach our common goal – clean air for Ukraine,” comments conference organizer Alina Mashenko from Ukrainian NGO International Environmental Security.

Conference Air pollution Ukraine 2020:

  • 17/11 (Ivano-Frankivsk): Civic air pollution monitoring in Ukraine & public campaigns in industrial cities
  • 24/11 (Zaporizhia): Regulation of air pollution in Ukraine and the EU at the legislative level
  • 1/12 (Nikopol): State of atmospheric air in Ukraine: modern technologies of ecological monitoring from space measurements to real-time display
  • 8/12 (Kramatorsk): Legal tools to fight industrial pollution and its culprits in Ukraine
  • 15/12 (Kharkiv): Clean air for Ukraine: How can we achieve it?

Although small groups of invited guests will meet in the conference rooms, the participants can watch it online. Each session starts at 3:00 PM (Kyiv time) and offers a space for discussions with the speakers. Free registration and a full programme is available here and additional information can be found at the Facebook event

Ukrainian version available here>>>

Conference is organized with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic within the Transition Promotion Program, and the National Endowment for Democracy (USA).

About us

The "Clean Air for Ukraine" program has been implemented since 2017 by the non-governmental organization Arnika (Czech Republic) in cooperation with local public initiatives from various regions of Ukraine with the financial support of the Transition Promotion Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

You can find more information about our activities and participation opportunities or share your thoughts with us by sending a message to


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