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Festival on renewable energy ReAction took place in Kiev

30. 6. 2017,
Festival on renewable energy ReAction took place in Kiev
Photo: Ekodiya

Arnika´s partnership organisation Ekodiya prepared the first edition of public festival on renewable resources and energy, which took place in National Expocentre VDNH in Kiev on the 24th June. More than one thousand visitors explored the importance of renewable sources of energy, explained through seminars, debates and practical examples of sustainable devices and energy sources.

Every day, the impact of human activity on the planet becomes more global, caused by its changes – tangible and more threatening. Extraction of fossil fuels poisons the environment and leads to climate change, and nuclear energy has repeatedly questioned the existence of life on earth. Concerned people around the world are working on the development of alternative energy sources at the level of individual communities and entire states. Ukraine, despite its sad experience, continues to operate the old energy system and avoids ambitious steps for the implementation of renewable energy. “What should our reaction be?” – the organizers of the festival asked. And invited to think about it in a friendly society!
The first edition of ReAction – the Festival of Sunny Future, was dedicated to the topic of renewable energy: what are the realities and perspectives of sustainable energy systems development in Ukraine. The festival chose a mix of popular education, entertainment and art. During the event the visitors had a chance to attend lectures from experts in the field and took part in various activities: from preparing coffee on a solar-cooker to charging their devices with the help of bike-generator, or simply enjoyed good food and music. ReAction was the first Ukrainian festival driven solely with solar power!

See full photogallery from the event on Ekodiya´s FB page >>>

Official announcement >>>

About us

The "Clean Air for Ukraine" program has been implemented since 2017 by the non-governmental organization Arnika (Czech Republic) in cooperation with local public initiatives from various regions of Ukraine with the financial support of the Transition Promotion Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

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