Ukrainian civic network. Different industrial cities - similar issues
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The winner of the first EcoQuiz in 2021 lives in Zaporizhzhia

3. 5. 2021,

The results of the first EcoQuiz 2021 from the Clean Air for Ukraine project were announced.

The winner is Yaroslav Marchenko from Zaporizhzhia.

“I live in Zaporizhia, in one of the most polluted cities in Ukraine, and also in one of the most polluted areas of this city. The nearest eco-monitoring station, which is displayed on the map of EcoCity, is 6 km far away. Therefore, there is a rather large gap in the control over the condition of the air and near the factories – sources of emissions”, – he wrote in the questionnaire.

So in May another new monitoring station will appear in Zaporizhzhia!

This year there will be several more similar environmental quizzes and the participants will have a chance to receive a public air monitoring station as a gift.

Read an interview with Yaroslav Marchenko about what he is going to measure and why.

About us

The "Clean Air for Ukraine" program has been implemented since 2017 by the non-governmental organization Arnika (Czech Republic) in cooperation with local public initiatives from various regions of Ukraine with the financial support of the Transition Promotion Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

You can find more information about our activities and participation opportunities or share your thoughts with us by sending a message to


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